TRAINING RIDESClick here to access the ride schedule, current week's cue sheets, and prior year's cue sheets.
We start at Thanksgiving Elementary School which is located one mile away from Flowers Plantation in Clayton. The address is 1161 Lynch Rd, Selma, NC 27576. Please consider joining other team members at a local venue after each ride. The location will be announced at the start of the training ride that day. After rides join us for pizza/beer at a local restaurant. |
TRAINING RIDE SPEEDSRides are presented each week as a choice among three distances: Short, medium, and long. The mileage for each will be fluid and posted on your weekly email as well as on this website.
The start time for SAG supported rides will vary depending on the weather, temperature, and time of year. We do the best we can to ensure that these are no drop rides. Please note: If you are a new or rehabilitating cyclist who needs to ride a short route at a time when everyone is riding only medium and long, please contact one of the team co-captains for assistance. If you're riding solo for 30 mi at 15 avg, then you should join the Early riders.
If you're new to cycling and would like to join the Cyclepaths on Saturday, please contact Andy Anderson (aanderjr88 at to help make your transition to team cycling a comfortable one. SAG VEHICLE"SAG" stands for support and gear. If you are having a mechanical, fatigue or other issues the SAG is a welcome sight. One of the distinctions of our Bike MS team is that we provide a SAG vehicle for each Saturday ride. If you are interested in supporting your team by being a SAG driver, please contact Mark Saternis (marksaternis at Also, please look for the SAG Guidelines in the drop-down menu.
We do not have a weather hot line so you must decide for yourself whether you want to chance dreadful weather. A number of us will ride in a drizzle particularly when the weather gets warmer. A bunch of us won't ride when its cold (which is under 50F) or rather windy (like 15+). Our SAG wagon system may be unavailable (so always come prepared to fend for yourself) on these inclement weather days.